EnVy i5 Instructions/Screenshots

Set Lockscreen image. To change the lockscreen image you need to replace the image in Library/Themes/EnVy i5 LS/LockscreenPicture. Rename the same as is now, and respring.

Set or Add wallpapers to SB. As of now there is 2 wallpapers that will change at random, on your springboard. You can add more images to this, or just change the two that are there.

To add wallpapers. Edit the wallpaper.html in Library/Themes/EnVy i5/wallpaper.html. 
Look for these lines

<img src="Wallpaper/1.png"/>
<img src="Wallpaper/2.png"/>

To add another just copy and paste the bottom line.

<img src="Wallpaper/1.png"/>
<img src="Wallpaper/2.png"/>
<img src="Wallpaper/3.png"/>

Add 3.png. now put an image in Library/Themes/EnVy i5/Wallpaper named 3.png
It will now be added to the change.

To change one of the two images just replace the image you want to replace.

Weather iWidget. To setup the weather iWidget go to var/mobile/Library/iWidgets/EnVy iWidget. Locate the Widget.html open it and edit var local="38671" replace 38671 with your weather code.

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