miWeather 8 Forecast

miWeather 8 Forecast 
GroovyLock Lockscreen for 5, 5s, 6, 6+ 
Available now in the Macciti Repo

Enable this lockscreen by going to settings, look for groovylock. Select miWeather 8 Forecasts from GroovyLock. You can hit the wrench to adjust its settings. If you get a popup while trying to set the settings, reinstall groovylock.

1. In GroovyLock settings you have a choice to turn on a cataracs style clock. If this is turned off it will display the clock/date shown above.

2. Temp, FeelTemp, and description can be toggled on or off through GroovyLock settings.

3. Tap the left side of the screen to pull up Battery, System Toggles, and Memory, tap again to hide.

4. Tap the right side to bring up the forecast. Tap it again to hide forecast.

Show above is the battery, system toggles, and memory.

1. System toggles. If the toggle is on you will see a white ring over the button. To enable just tap the button, to disable tap again.

2. The white ring on the outside is controlled by battery percent, it will change as battery diminishes/charges. 

3. Tap the left side to hide the battery screen.

1. Grab each panel to scroll the panels up or down. You can adjust scroll speed inside the GroovyLock settings.

2. Tap the right side of the screen to hide the forecast.

Cataracs will enable a cataracs style clock, and disable the standard clock/date.

MoveCataracs allows you to move cataracs clock wherever you like. When you have it where you want you can turn this off and the Cataracs clock will keep its location.

DragSpeed allows you to change how fast the forecast panels will scroll. Higher the value faster it will scroll.

MinDragSpeed is how much the panels move with little dragging. Higher the value the more it will move.

EaseType effects on how the panels move. 
Type of ease effects you can use.
'easeInQuad',  'easeOutQuad',  'easeInOutQuad',  'easeInCubic',  
 'easeOutCubic',  'easeInOutCubic',  'easeInQuart',
 'easeOutQuart',  'easeInOutQuart', 'easeInQuint',
 'easeOutQuint',  'easeInOutQuint',  'easeInSine',  
 'easeOutSine',  'easeInOutSine',  'easeInExpo',  
 'easeOutExpo',  'easeInOutExpo',  'easeInCirc',  
 'easeOutCirc',  'easeInOutCirc',  'easeInElastic',
 'easeOutElastic',  'easeInOutElastic',  'easeInBack',
 'easeOutBack',  'easeInOutBack',  'easeInBounce',
 'easeOutBounce',  'easeInOutBounce'.

Test some easings Here

You will need to enable Hide LockScreen Clock in GroovyLock, this will not disable the stock clock, but will disable a layer that stops you from scrolling.

Use a tweak such as Lock Screen Tools to hide the stock clock.

To hide the statusbar you can use HideMe8

Wallpaper is set through settings.app. Go to settings and set wall to lock screen only. You will need to respring for the blur to take effect.

Watch the video below to learn how to find the weather code.


If you have any questions my Twitter is @JunesiPhone 

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