Zen8 Long Shadow Weather LS for GroovyLock

Zen 8 Long Shadow LS for GroovyLock, is included in Beta4 of Zen8. It has a few options so I will cover them here.

FIRST! To hide the slide to unlock you can use Lock Screen Tools. To hide the statusbar you can use nostatus bar. Both are in cydia and work on iOS8

This is how Zen8 will look when you install it to var/mobile/Library/GroovyLock. You can do this with iFunBox

You can shake the device to hide the logo, and show a 4 day forecast.

Other Options. (Options are located in GroovyLock found by pressing the wrench icon, you may have to reinstall GL to use this option)

  • sUnit
  • TwentyFourHourClock
  • PadZero
  • sCityCodes
  • StickForecast
  • ShowNight
  • ShowClock
  • ShowCity
  • TextColor
  • Enable Background
  • HideLogo
  • HideShadows

sUnit - Enables Celsius.
TwentyFourHourClock - Enables 24hr Clock
PadZero - Adds a 0 in front of the time if a single digit
sCityCodes - Enter your location code here. Find your code from Weather.com. Video
StickForecast - Enables forecast to always show, if set to off shake device to show forecast
ShowNight - Enables Night forecast. Day/Night icons will fade on the forecast.
ShowClock - Turns clock on and off.
TextColor - Allows you to change all text colors. 
Hide Logo - Hides the logo
Hide Shadows - Turns off ALL shadows
Enable Background - Turns of css background. If you are using shadows you will need this background on for the shadows to look right. If you want to set your own wallpaper from settings then turn this and show shadows off. (Once GL is updated you can set to background and the page will not swipe when unlocking).

Options in GroovyLock

Set with user background, shadows off, and logo off.

Set with text color to black, user background, shadows off, and logo off.
You can hide the statusbar with nostatusbar in cydia.
You can hide slide to unlock with Lock Screen Tools

If you don't have Zen8 you can get it here.  Zen 8 now with over 400 icons


If you have any questions my Twitter is @JunesiPhone or the support forum is on Modmyi

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