1ntox VIP Are you VIP?

Almost finished up with 1ntox VIP,  it will now be optimized to the iPhone 5

Theme will include SpringJump, and non Springjump setups.

I will add instructions later today. Save this page.

Instructions!  To edit your weather on the lockscreen, get ifile and navigate to Library/Themes/1ntoxVIP LS inside the folder you will see LockBackground.html open it and look for var local = "38671" Edit the 38671 with your zip code.

To add a wallpaper to the springboard select a wallpaper from settings. 

To get rid of the wallpaper when you open a folder. go to Library/Themes/1ntoxVIP i5 Look for wallpaper@2x Click the down arrow and save to camera roll. Set that image as your wallpaper.

To get springjumps, please download springjumps. To use the colorkeyboard theme download color keyboard. Go into settings and look for color keyboard. Select the theme you want and press save.

Winterboard Layout

1ntox VIP SB SpringJumps or nonSpringJumps
1ntox VIP LS
1ntox VIP Icons
1ntox VIP i5
1ntox VIP UISounds

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